Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Website research

In preparation for creating my own illustrative website to showcase my work I did some research into other websites created by and for illustrators within the market. There were a range of different approaches and themes but one thing that stands out is the use of their own imagery and fronts within the format. Obviously this is a key point for an illustrator - to allow the website itself to act as it's own portfolio and not just a blank wall to display their own on.

There was a distinct preference for minimal content and colour on all those I came across. This allows the work to take centre stage as intended. The most successful ones were easy to navigate, colourful and fun to view. 

I am fond of this format - that shows a limited amount of links at the side while allowing a large example of work to be viewed in the centre. It is simple and easy to work while effective.

I am also very fond of the thumbnail approach to display the work. It keeps the page uniformed and modern.

I especially liked Liz Clements website for it's use of handwritten text and profile image. The colour scheme within her work works beautifully together as a bonus. This allows her website to neglect a background or any boxes and frames. 

I also found a number of websites that had their own 'cover' page, that required the user to enter into the website. I think this gave the page a nice professional look and allowed the user to confirm they were in the correct place, and gently ease them into the website.

From this I have gained many ideas and much inspiration into how I would like my final website to appear. I have also been given a better understanding of appropriate content, links and information. 

. A page or bio about the illustrator - their qualifications/ past experiences/ their CV
*Although this is generally kept to a minimum to avoid a wall of text.

. Contact - email, telephone, addresses or forms for filling out when requesting work and likewise.
Most importantly a link to the artist's blog also - allowing people to keep up to date with his or her's going ons in life. Current interests and styles. 

. Links - links to other websites the illustrator displays their work - other means of following them, adding to their exposure. 

. Gallery - obviously pages to exhibit the illustrators work, generally split into consumerism [commission work] and their personal. 

. Shop - for illustrators who create and sell work, prints, crafts. 

I have started work on my website, and while it still needs a lot of work it's slowly getting there!
 I have also been contemplating wether or not to have an illustration tag name rather than my own. Currently I'm looking into using my initials 'ELM' for a possible identity. 

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